Many people were said to almost feel a little sorry for them.
In 2008 the attitude has changed somewhat:

Here is a scattering of my opinions on subjects. Maybe you'll agree, maybe not. Then again, maybe I care, maybe I don't. ;)
Well, I won $25 on it. Sure, it was a far cry from the million I wanted. But, it was a lot more than the "nothing" I expected, too.
Sometimes good things really do happen! :)
Here I am now, making my first post, trying to figure out what the hell I have to say that anyone would want to read. I’m not having much luck with that, either. There was a time that I used to write short stories - really good short stories. I even won several creative writing awards in my first year of college. But now that I’ve gotten older, and my mind is filled with schedules, appointments, due dates, and finances, I think the creative thoughts ran out of space.
I suppose that the people I work with would be amazed to know this about me. You see, I’m not exactly what you would call a “Silver-tongued fox.” I won’t go into details - you can read into that any way you like. But, the people at work would probably never suspect that creative writing was not only one of my best collegiate subjects, but one of my favorites as well. Metal Shop or Home Brewing 101, maybe. But Creative Writing? HA!! Not a chance in hell would they believe that!
Well, that’s it. My first post is almost complete. Maybe I’ll continue to give little bits of insight about myself on this site. Then again, maybe I won’t. I suppose you’ll just have to keep checking in to see where I go from here. Or, if you’re really feeling nosey, you could shoot me an email and tell me what you want to know. I will not make any promises that I will answer them, but I will not make any promises that I won’t answer them, either.