Saturday, March 28, 2009

The Catholic Church

It goes against my better judgment to get into this here. And, I almost didn't. But then I realized that this is MY blog. These are MY thoughts. So, if you are one of the religious few that seem to be intolerant of other people's thoughts, I'd suggest that you use YOUR better judgment and not read any more of this post...

I was watching the news last night, and saw more stories about all of the Catholic churches that are going to close. It seems that those in charge somehow need to do this because they cannot afford to keep them open. Well, I've got a better idea...

Instead of closing all of these churches, why not close The Vatican? Let's face it, as much as people like to treat him like he's a god, the Pope is still just a person. And, if he really cares about the religion and not just the "benefits" he receives, then he would have no problem with this if it kept all of the neighborhood churches open. After all, in the grand scheme of things, these neighborhood churches actually help people. And, those people aren't just the members. Say what you will about the religion being a business, but at the local level, that business donates more time and assistance to those that need it than anyone. While the Pope is out cruising the streets in his $1,000,000 "Pope Mobile," spouting off his ideals to a world that should already KNOW them had they actually read the bible, the local churches are giving food drives, working in hospitals, and giving free counseling to those that need it. When is the last time you saw the Pope Mobile dropping off food to a family who's bread winner was just killed in an unexpected accident?

But, the sad reality is that too many Catholics are brainwashed into thinking that they somehow need the Vatican with it's gold chalices, marble pillars, and $1,000,000 paintings. These people think that the church somehow needs this elaborate, wealthy, sovereign country with its excessive operating costs to tell them what to do, when deep in their hearts they should already know what to do. These are the same people that, when they do see the Pope, drop down on their knees and bawl like babies, acting as if he himself is a God, which in itself is sac religious according to the actual writings of the Bible.

If the hundreds of thousands of yearly visitors to Vatican City put the five grand that their trip cost them into their local church instead,would they still have to close? How about adding that to the billions spent on keeping the Pope in his elaborate castle, on his security forces, his million dollar pope mobile, the chefs, the housekeeping, and the building maintenance costs? Keeping a sovereign nation operating isn't cheap - just ask our politicians.

I'm sorry, but I think the church members need to rethink a few things. Like, what is more in line with the teachings of the Bible - spending billions on the local level altruisticaly, or spending billions on a shrine and lifestyle for the Pope?

I bet I know what Jesus would do with his time and money...

Friday, March 27, 2009

What a Beautiful Morning

Clear, blue skies, temperature rising by the hour, the sun shining - I love mornings like this. It would be a great morning to be out on the lake, catching myself a dinner.

It's too bad that I have previous obligations to attend to. Although, if I didn't have these obligations, I wouldn't have a job. Therefore, I wouldn't have a boat, which would make it all a moot point anyhow, right?

Happy Friday, everyone.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Time to clear out the cobwebs...

I suppose I should start paying more attention to this place again. I'll try to clean out some of the cobwebs, and get a few more posts out over the couple of weeks.

Until then, you can check out my Mom's page.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Happy to be "alone"

Last night, my daughter had a friend spend the night. After seeing other people's children, I am starting to think that maybe my daughter really is an Angel.

The girl would NOT leave the dog alone, and the dog was getting close to the "I am going to bite your little finger off" point by the time we took the girl home. At first, it was mentioned to me that we could lock the dog up for the night. But I have a real problem with that. She is a good dog, and she is in her home, so I refuse to lock her up because someone else's kid's actions. If we were having a party, I would feel differently, because I know she is not good with crowds. But, for one kid? No, that's not going to happen.

Then, the girls were playing hide and seek, and she decides to hide in Kim and my closet. Uh, excuse me, but haven't you ever been taught that parents' rooms and closets are OFF LIMITS?

And, what the hell is with kids thinking that the 52 inch plasma screen is in need of their greasy fingers touching it? My kid sure as hell doesn't do that, and I expect her friends to toe the same line!

My little girl can REALLY piss me off sometimes. But, I am proud of the fact that my daughter is respectful of other people's homes and belongings. That, and she listens to her friends parents when told not to do something - I make sure of that!

Global Warming Experiment