I was driving home from work, and passed a woman mowing her lawn, with her small toddler in one arm, half on her lap, half off. I couldn't help but wonder, are people REALLY that stupid?
Now, don't get me wrong - if the blades are off, and you're just cruising him down the lawn, that's one thing. Maybe not the ultimate in safety, but that's part of life. But, to drive around with your kid on your lap with the blades on? Well, that makes you a dumbass. A complete, foolish, ignorant, without-a-clue dumbass.
Excuse the pic - it was taken via cell phone while driving. And don't give me any flak about that, either. I drive 35,000+ miles a year, 90% of those miles while on a cell phone for work, and am still safer than most of the idiots I see on the road. Perhaps instead of making more laws for that, the politicians should ask the police to start enforcing the existing laws that the "bad apples" break, instead. Because, last I checked, it didn't matter if you were on a phone or not - running a red light is illlegal. As are illegal lane changes, reckless operation, failure to yield... should I go on?
But, that would cut into the politicians "face time" on television, wouldn't it? Which I suppose is important, especially with so many voters being complete and utter dumbasses and morons, such as the woman in the picture above.
I agree. Do you suppose if the kid was injured in this episode, it would be the tractor manufacturer's fault? Do you suppose we should make a law that a big sign should be painted on every tractor: Do not dangle baby from arms while mowing!