Sunday, November 16, 2008

It looks like Winter is finally here to stay

It looks as though the nice weather is gone for the next several months.

I can’t say that I am happy about it, but I don’t get as bent out of shape as my wife does about it either. She hates winter. She REALLY hates winter. So, for the next few months, I will get to hear her bitch about every lone snowflake that falls from the sky.

You know, on second thought, maybe I do hate the winter.

1 comment:

  1. It's best to live where it's cold part of the year. Otherwise, if you move to a climate that's warm most of the time, you'll be surrounded by old people. Not that I don't like old people; I just don't like to hang with the kind who ONLY want to be around their fellow old people. They're always the kind who complain all the time; and not just about the weather. So stop complaining, buddy, and enjoy what you have and try to overlook the rest. Otherwise we'll buy a ticket and deport you to Florida or Arizona.
    Northern Guy
